Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Back to School Supplies for

Back to School Supplies for Teachers

The beginning of the school year is almost here. Students and their parents are hitting Staples and Target to stock up the supplies that are on their lists. Teachers too are hitting the teacher supply stores as well.

But teachers need more than the markers, bulletin board parer, boarders, chart paper, maps, charts, etc.. for their classrooms and to be effective teachers. In this day and age of "gotcha," teachers need much more.

For the first time ever in the history of education, we here at SBSB, led by the Crack Team are publishing what teachers really need to prevent those "gotcha" moments.

First on the list is the ever ubiquitous yellow legal pad, only $1.99 for a three pack at Staples. This legal pad and an accompanying  ball point pens, only $7.99/dz,  will provide you with countless fun to take down notes with any administrator of your choosing while being lambasted and/or threatened.

Next up, for those that are more high tech and wish to leave no doubt at