Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Will Business Own Education in Wisconsin? « Diane Ravitch's blog

Will Business Own Education in Wisconsin? « Diane Ravitch's blog:

Will Business Own Education in Wisconsin?

Rebecca Kemble, a stringer for the Progressive, covered a legislative committee hearing in Madison, Wisconsin, where business groups lined up to complain that the schools were not meeting their needs. They complained that they could not find workers with the right set of skills. Despite high unemployment in the area, manufacturers say that they can’t find suitably trained workers. They had no data to back up what they said, just opinions.
The extraordinary thing that Kemble did was to look at the kind of engineering jobs that were going unfilled. As Kemble writes:
Some manufacturers also claim that they can’t fill high-skilled engineering positions, but they don’t mention the salaries, benefits, and terms of employment associated with those jobs. A search of mechanical engineering positions currently open in the Milwaukee metropolitan area requiring a minimum of a bachelor’s degree and five years of experience yielded the most results in the $30,000 – $50,000/year salary category. Some of those