Sunday, July 29, 2012

Top Bush Policy Wonk Continues to Blame Florida Districts for Testing | Scathing Purple Musings

Top Bush Policy Wonk Continues to Blame Florida Districts for Testing | Scathing Purple Musings:

Top Bush Policy Wonk Continues to Blame Florida Districts for Testing

Ocala Star-Banner editor Brad Rogers bought Patricia Levesque’s spin that the number of tests that some districts impose is the fault of the districts.
Patricia Levesque’s career has paralleled the rise of FCAT. In the 1990s she was a staff member for the Florida House Education Committee when, during Gov. Lawton Chiles’ administration, the notion of testing to ensure accountability first emerged.
Over the years, Levesque rose in prominence, becoming an advisor to Gov. Jeb Bush, and finally commission of education under Bush. Today, she heads the Foundation for Florida’s Future, a