Tuesday, July 24, 2012

To Senator Kotowski health care for seniors is a sweetheart deal. « Fred Klonsky

To Senator Kotowski health care for seniors is a sweetheart deal. « Fred Klonsky:

To Senator Kotowski health care for seniors is a sweetheart deal.

In a tweet responding to criticism of his active support for the pension cutting HB1447, Park Ridge Democratic Senator Dan Kotowski goes after state employees.
Referring to retirees, seniors living on a state pension and receiving health care insurance subsidies, Kotowski says, “Nobody receives a sweetheart deal like that.”
For a member of the Illinois General Assembly, a group which gave massive tax breaks to corporations like Sears and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, being outraged at seniors getting health care coverage as part of their pension takes some balls.
This is a bunch that knows something about sweetheart deals.
Everyone in Springfield, and every Illinois public employee who is paying attention knows what is going on here.

Joe Moore caves.