Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Still waiting… « Cooperative Catalyst

Still waiting… « Cooperative Catalyst:

Still waiting…

Still Waiting…

   I am still waiting for that large, sweeping legislation in the house, senate, and presidency in regards to progressive education.  It is ironic that I will post something on Facebook in regards to education and get “likes” both from my most conservative and liberal friends.  Education is something that internally, I believe many of us understand.  We get it emotionally and we are able to connect to that part of learning, that relationship part of learning.  However, we are so fearful to take the big step, to recognize that education is fundamentally broken in the United States and needs drastic overhauls.  I’m still waiting, for that collective recognition.
    I relate it somewhat to health care.  Even with the Supreme Court upholding the health care bill, we still move slowly towards a system that would give all citizens preventive care and health services at a reasonable price.  Why we still hold onto an employee-only based system, which while good when it was concocted by unions a hundred years ago, it surely is out dated and does not represent the complex society we live in today.  So why