Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Romney goes after the huge and growing US Anglo-Saxon voting bloc. « Fred Klonsky

Romney goes after the huge and growing US Anglo-Saxon voting bloc. « Fred Klonsky:

Romney goes after the huge and growing US Anglo-Saxon voting bloc.

So you know I’m not exactly this huge Barack Obama fan.
But then there is this story out of England where Mittens has started his foreign tour, which will end at the feet of Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel.
One of his people is quoted:

“We are part of an Anglo-Saxon heritage, and (Romney) feels that the special relationship is special,” the adviser is quoted as saying. “The White House didn’t fully appreciate the shared history we have.”

Special relationship?
Aside from the not so hidden racism of this, how stupid are these people?
Do they think there is a large and growing Anglo-Saxon voting bloc in the US that they haven’t already tapped

Teachers jam Clark Street: “We’re not done yet.”

The pension cost shift.

For some strange reason known only to Tribune columnist Eric Zorn, he decided to try and explain how Chicago Public Schools are overfunded.
It’s an argument too stupid to even get started on. But at the end of his blog post, Zorn mentions the pension cost swap in passing.
This is a topic worth addressing.
The pension cost swap is Mike Madigan’s idea. The state owes the Teacher Retirement System maybe $44 billion dollars. Maybe more.
Because for over fifty years the state either hasn’t paid what they owed or used TRS funds to build bridges,