Monday, July 30, 2012

Quinn is calling an August session to deal with cost swap and retirement tax. The IEA takes no position on the cost swap. « Fred Klonsky

Quinn is calling an August session to deal with cost swap and retirement tax. The IEA takes no position on the cost swap. « Fred Klonsky:

Quinn is calling an August session to deal with cost swap and retirement tax. The IEA takes no position on the cost swap.

Michael Madigan has already announced that he will be calling the Illinois House into August session to try and pass HB1447, a retirement tax on state employees. It would require a forced choice on seniors, retired state workers, between health care and a cost of living adjustment or COLA.
Now Governor Quinn, who has declared that he was put on this earth to gut the pension system, is calling the legislature back to address the pension cost swap. This is the plan that would allow the state to dump its pension obligation onto local school districts.

Quinn, speaking at the City Club of Chicago, called pension reform “the single biggest challenge facing the state of Illinois.”

Quinn called the special session for Aug. 17. House members were already to be