Tuesday, July 10, 2012

PSAT for 7-10-12: More reasons for an elected school board Parents United for Responsible Education

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PSAT for 7-10-12: More reasons for an elected school board

The leadership of the Chicago Public Schools has once more shown its utter disrespect for our communities by announcing a nonsensical budget on a Friday evening and then scheduling hearings all on one day, 5 days later.
No matter that this violates the law by missing the June deadline, as Substance News points out.
No matter that they have ended what had become some sort of a tradition of opening the budget hearings at Lane Tech High School, which usually drew the largest crowd of any of the hearings.
No matter that they can’t explain the budget in a way that makes sense to anyone — for example, why do all the administrators from Brizard on down get the same 2% raise even though they are not being asked to work even 2% more time, in contrast to the extra 20% of time teachers are being asked to put in for their 2%?
Still, even as planned, the hearings do provide a rare opportunity to speak out about CPS issues without having