Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Pension Tuesday. « Fred Klonsky

Pension Tuesday. « Fred Klonsky:

Pension Tuesday.

Readers shared with me some responses they received this week from legislators regarding our pensions. So, I’m sharing them with you.
Senator Michael Frerichs from the downstate 52nd district wrote this to a constituent:
Members of the General Assembly have been expecting Governor Pat Quinn to call us back for a special session to address pension reform. I have been waiting for that call to communicate the current proposal from the Governor.
It now seems like it will be a while before we are called back. It is possible that is might not be until Veto Session in November. With that in mind, I wanted to write to you to recap what transpired during the last weeks of session.
There had been much discussion in the media about pension reform and different 

Why can’t we be friends?

A while back IEA Communications Director Charlie McBarron and I were friends.
Not real friends. Not let’s go over to Quencher’s for a beer friends.
More like Facebook friends.
And then it hit a rough spot. That happens sometimes with friends.
Sad. But true.
You see, Charlie posted on Facebook something about IEA Executive Director Audrey Soglin and the National