Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: CTU and community protests force more Rahm concessions

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: CTU and community protests force more Rahm concessions:

CTU and community protests force more Rahm concessions

Rahm feeling the pressure
With national elections drawing near and a threatened teachers strike only 30 days away, Rahm is feeling pressure from inside his own camp to reach an agreement with the CTU. The Civic Federation is attacking his proposed school budget from one side while pro-union protests hit it from the other.  CEO Brizard can't go anywhere these days without being greeted by community protests, even backing out of a scheduled meeting at UIC last week which was cancelled for "security reasons."

The school board was scheduled to pass it's $5.2 billion 2012-13 operating budget which would have locked in a meager, strike-inciting