Friday, July 13, 2012

Louisiana voucher scheme fails to attract many students - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

Louisiana voucher scheme fails to attract many students - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post:

Louisiana voucher scheme fails to attract many students

A few months ago Louisiana started enacting a new law backed by Gov. Bobby Jindal that is one of the broadest attacks on public education in any state across the nation — if not the broadest.
Under the law more than half of the students in the state would be offered vouchers, the number of privately managed charter schools would be greatly expanded and preschoolers will be given letter grades — just to name a few of its provisions.
The scheme to offer publicly funded vouchers to some 450,000 students so that they could attend private schools in the state drew a criticism when it became clear that many of those private schools were run by Christian fundamentalists and did not have the resources to