Thursday, July 19, 2012

Louisiana Educator: The Need for Educators to Unify

Louisiana Educator: The Need for Educators to Unify:

The Need for Educators to Unify

I was very pleased this week to accept an invitation by my professional organization, the Louisiana Association of Educators to write a guest blog for the Association web site. I am now a retired member of LAE but I find that the Association has welcomed me to participate in education issues just as much as if I were still an active classroom teacher. I have enjoyed renewing old friendships with teachers and administrators in our common fight for public education, and my blog has brought me many new friends who encourage me every day. 

I hope my readers will click on this link to the LAE Blog site and read what I had to say to both members of LAE and to all other public school educators and even parents of public school children. I believe that public education in Louisiana is in serious crisis created by the actions of our Governor with his so called education reforms. 

Yes, public education in Louisiana has been struggling for years partly because of court ordered desegregation,