Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Life in Rahm’s Chicago. This doubling of the murder rate is killing the convention business. That’s what they’re worried about. « Fred Klonsky

Life in Rahm’s Chicago. This doubling of the murder rate is killing the convention business. That’s what they’re worried about. « Fred Klonsky:

Life in Rahm’s Chicago. This doubling of the murder rate is killing the convention business. That’s what they’re worried about.

Chicago’s chief of tourism let the cat out of the bag.
The city is worried about the spike in the murder rate that is double that of last year and is leaving a trail of mother’s tears across this city’s poorest neighborhoods.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s office swung into full damage-control mode Wednesday after Chicago’s convention and tourism chief was quoted as saying that a 38 percent spike in the city’s homicide rate and a troubling return to mob attacks downtown was hurting efforts to promote the city.

Don Welsh, president and CEO of Choose Chicago, told the Chicago Tribune’s