Monday, July 16, 2012

Jersey Jazzman: What Planet Does Chris Cerf Live On?!

Jersey Jazzman: What Planet Does Chris Cerf Live On?!:

What Planet Does Chris Cerf Live On?!

Even after all we've been through on this blog, I am still amazed that NJ's ACTING Commissioner of Education in NJ, given everything we know about charters, would write something like this:
In New Jersey, charter schools serve less than two percent of students, but they disproportionately serve our highest-need students. More than 61 percent of charter school students are African American, compared to the state average of 16 percent, and more than 70 percent of charter school students are low income, compared to 32 percent in the state.
Do I really have to spell this out again?

I mean, dear lord, Bruce Baker has written about this over and over again. Here's his latest:
So who cares? Well, it matters a great deal for policy implications whether the effect is created by concentrating less poor, English speaking females in a given school or by actually providing substantively better curriculum/instruction.  The latter might be