Thursday, July 12, 2012

Jersey Jazzman: Steve Perry Is Awesomer Than You!

Jersey Jazzman: Steve Perry Is Awesomer Than You!:

Steve Perry Is Awesomer Than You!

Just ask him:
At the tip of the educational iceberg, Perry believes that Gov. Scott Walker's move to break up unions - including the state teachers union - will improve educational outcomes for all children. I'm sure that statement just sent shivers up the spine of most educators in Wisconsin, especially when you consider that Walker also cut $800 million from public education budgets. But Perry's tell-it-like-it-is approach is refreshing.
"Before you say Walker cut $800 million, you first have to ask yourself if it was actually a cut or did he just not have it," Perry said.
"Your state is broke, and I don't know where he was going to get the money from. If we really want to get things done educationally, other governors should follow Walker's lead," Perry said. "There is nothing in any teachers union contract that goes toward improving education; at best, it sustains it."
First of all, Steve, Wisconsin could get the money - they just don't take it from the people who have it:

Imagine how much more the state would rake in if the top 5% paid the same rate as the bottom 50%. And the