Friday, July 27, 2012

Jersey Jazzman: Chris Christie: Liar, Fool, or Both?

Jersey Jazzman: Chris Christie: Liar, Fool, or Both?:

Chris Christie: Liar, Fool, or Both?

I got so caught up in Chris Cerf's coronation yesterday that I never got around to this poignant moment:

Instead of vitriol and venom today, Gov. Chris Christie's interaction with a teary public school teacher ended with an apology.

Tia McLaughlin invoked the Republican governor's frequent refrain that it's "harder to hate up close" in telling him she felt betrayed by his treatment of teachers when he took office two and half years ago. 

“You're right, it is much harder to hate up close because I’m not feeling the hate 

 Will you let yourself be fooled again?