Saturday, July 21, 2012

Indiana Economic Digest: Common Core State Standards is heavy on the ‘Common’ | Truth in American Education

Indiana Economic Digest: Common Core State Standards is heavy on the ‘Common’ | Truth in American Education:

Indiana Economic Digest: Common Core State Standards is heavy on the ‘Common’

Heather Crossin who is a member of the Indiana Policy Review Foundation, and Jane Robbins, a senior fellow with American Principles Project, had an op/ed published for the Indiana Economic Digest.  Below is an excerpt:
Part of the mantra recited by proponents of the national-designed Common Core State Standards, endorsed in concept by both Gov. Mitch Daniels and Superintendent of Education Tony Bennett, is that they will make students “college-ready.” Producing college readiness, however, could take place in one of two ways: 1) Increase the academic preparation of students to meet college