The in box. The one hour that they sat on those metal chairs at that Rep meeting, for many, was the only hour that they sat, all day. « Fred Klonsky
The in box. The one hour that they sat on those metal chairs at that Rep meeting, for many, was the only hour that they sat, all day. « Fred Klonsky:
by Fred Klonsky
In your original blog, that Fred linked above, you write: “I really don’t know what else to say at this point. I suppose we can’t expect anything from anyone during an election year, that’s the lesson. But all I know is that there are still children and communities suffering out there and, from an outsider, all I saw the NEA doing was sitting on their asses and passing resolutions. Very quaint, oh so democratic, and weak.”
I am floored. Really.
OK… so I will admit, like Fred, I am an unabashed cheerleader for our union. Unlike Fred, I have only been at this union thing for a few years. My first decade and a half of teaching, my union was simply a safety net. To say that I was ‘un-involved’ with the daily workings of my union is an understatement. As I became more involved with activism and took it online, I heard many