Friday, July 27, 2012

Illinois pension cuts are a tax on seniors. But Motorola gets tax breaks. « Fred Klonsky

Illinois pension cuts are a tax on seniors. But Motorola gets tax breaks. « Fred Klonsky:

Illinois pension cuts are a tax on seniors. But Motorola gets tax breaks.

Eric Schmidt, of Google, which owns Motorola, and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel.
When the he announced yesterday that Motorola was moving to downtown Chicago from suburban Libertyville, the Mayor had a big grin on his face.
Not me.
It cost the taxpayers $100 million dollars in tax breaks over the next ten years to keep the company from carrying out its threat to leave the state.
In case you wanted to know why Illinois is broke.
When the House votes in a few weeks to cut benefits to state workers, setting the stage for a similar proposal