Saturday, July 21, 2012

First ever StudentsFirst video that I did not laugh at | Gary Rubinstein's Blog

First ever StudentsFirst video that I did not laugh at | Gary Rubinstein's Blog:

First ever StudentsFirst video that I did not laugh at

I think it is an understatement to say that Michelle Rhee is not known for her humor.  Sure, she got a lot of chuckles when she recounted the time she taped her students’ mouths shut with masking tape and the pain (and blood) that resulted when the tape was removed.  (I also did plenty that I was not proud of my first year, but never taped any mouths shut.)
Still, though, I generally get a laugh out of any of the videos on the StudentsFirst website, despite the fact that they were not intended to be funny.  But I laugh because I know they are full of misleading statistics, half truths, and barely truths.
So I was curious when I learned that they had produced a video that was intended to be funny.