Tuesday, July 10, 2012

David Brooks Knows Nothing about Schools Today « Diane Ravitch's blog

David Brooks Knows Nothing about Schools Today « Diane Ravitch's blog:

David Brooks Knows Nothing about Schools Today

Peter DeWitt, who is an elementary school principal in upstate New York, got very ticked off by a column written by David Brooks in the New York Times.
DeWitt has written a post in which he takes Brooks to task for his confusion and ignorance about schools today. He sees it as just another example of school-bashing by an uninformed critic, the sort that is making teachers and administrators feel shell-shocked.
Brooks blames schools for being too feminized, too collaborative, too sensitive, too eager to medicate

Good Old Boys Prevail (for now) in Louisiana

Judge Tim Kelly turned down a request to block the implementation of Governor Bobby Jindal’s voucher plan.
The judge said that Commissioner John White and Commissioner of Administration both said in affidavits that an injection would blow a $3.4 billion deficit in the state budget. So the case will proceed as will the vouchers, charters, cyber charters and every other kind of raid on the minimum foundation funding for Louisiana public schools.
According to local sources, Judge Kelly just happens to be the spouse of the former Commissioner of Administration (Angele Davis) in the Jindal administration.
Lucky break for the Governor!