Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Daily Kos: The GOP’s crime against voters

Daily Kos: The GOP’s crime against voters:

The GOP’s crime against voters

is the title of this must read column in today's Washington Post by Pultizer Prize winner Eugene Robinson.  I was surprised that it was not featured in today's pundit roundup.
Robinson begins this powerful column thusly:
Spare us any more hooey about “preventing fraud” and “protecting the integrity of the ballot box.” The Republican-led crusade for voter ID laws has been revealed as a cynical ploy to disenfranchise as many likely Democratic voters as possible, with poor people and minorities the main targets.Recent developments in Pennsylvania — one of more than a dozen states where voting rights are under siege — should be enough to erase any lingering doubt: The GOP is trying to pull off an unconscionable crime.
an unconscionable crime -  that is to my mind a more than fair assessment.  Robinson focuses on Pennsyvania, whose new law will potentially disenfranchise  758,939 registered