Saturday, July 14, 2012

Corporate Takeover of Public Education From Sea to Shining Sea!

Florida GOP Pols Still Default to “Choice” Rhetoric As Justification for Education Policy | Scathing Purple Musings:

Florida GOP Pols Still Default to “Choice” Rhetoric As Justification for Education Policy

Orlando Sentinel  writer, Aaron Deslatte takes the next step in capturing the real story of the state’ education battles. Deslatte’s poignant column, “Campaign Could Turn On Whether GOP is Starving Schools – or Remaking Them” effectively encapsulates the policy, politics and the rhetoric.
TALLAHASSEE – Has Florida’s political leadership defended public education or de-funded it over the last two years? The answer you get depends on the party you ask this election season.
Since the issue is cropping up in campaigns – and will likely continue to do so through 2014 — let’s re-examine the facts.
Gov. Rick Scott and the Republican-controlled Legislature passed $1.35 billion in education cuts in 

Five Steps That Take Five Minutes

Here is link to a blog post on another blog, 5 Steps That Take 5 Minutes and Can Supercharge Your Child’s Education.

Note the reference to the Washington "Choice Law". All of these people saying that we need to pass the charter school initiative to give families school choice when, right now, families HAVE school choice.

The other tips are also good. There's some emphasis on digital learning because this is a digital learning blog, but there is a place for online learning. I do it all the time and you're doing it right now.