Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Biden: Romney’s assault on teachers – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Biden: Romney’s assault on teachers – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs:

Biden: Romney's assault on teachers

Biden: Romney's assault on teachers

 Washington (CNN) – Vice President Joe Biden said teachers "are under full blown assault" by Mitt Romney and "his allies in Congress" Tuesday. In response, the Romney campaign said the vice president was touting "failed" policies in his remarks.
Speaking before a large crowd of educators at the National Education Association 91st representative assembly, Biden blasted Romney for his education reform plan that includes allowing states to utilize Title I funds -originally intended to help schools in disadvantaged areas – to help students pay for private school education.

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"You guys – educators, teachers, you are under full blown assault. Romney, Romney, Governor Romney and his allies in the Congress