Sunday, June 3, 2012

When Jeb's Foundation for Florida's Future Is Built from Bologna, Pipe Dreams, and Air Rather than Science - MyEdNext

When Jeb's Foundation for Florida's Future Is Built from Bologna, Pipe Dreams, and Air Rather than Science - MyEdNext:

When Jeb's Foundation for Florida's Future Is Built from Bologna, Pipe Dreams, and Air Rather than Science

When Jeb's Foundation for Florida's Future is built from bologna, pipe dreams, and air rather than science, you get the following taken from their website:
Florida’s success dispels common myths about education.  Poverty, an absence of parental involvement, language barriers, disabilities, broken homes, even catastrophic natural disasters like hurricanes, are not valid excuses for a lack of learning in the classroom. 
The progress also proves all students can learn, all students should learn at least a year’s worth of knowledge in a year’s time,
Please allow me to give credence to the phrase all children can learn. I included it only because it seems to be needed to better place the whopper which follows..all students should learn at least a year's worth of knowledge in a year's time. Yikes,,,would even Pinnochio refuse to utter that nonsense? Did that typist's nose grow an inch when putting that unbacked piece of ridiculousness in print?  How dumb are they hoping the readers would be to accept such a lie? Sorry, but I was not educated uder a teach to the test system and I apply critical thinking skills. I want scientific research posted by the foundation to acquaint me of this amazing statement that all children should grow by a year's worth of