Sunday, June 24, 2012

What Is American Education?

What Is American Education?:

Today, though it is certainly by now an “old” debate, our Sunday paper has an “opinion” piece about Common Core State Standards. The Errant has posted before on this (here, and here–the collusion of “divergent” interests) but I want to try to elaborate a bit on what I think are the things that are not said when discussing these issues.  First, my response to the column “Voices raised in opposition to adoption of Common Core” (I’ve copied the column over in full at the end should you wish to read it as it’s behind a pay-wall–it’s pretty short).
It must be concluded that there already are “common” standards in education as developed and implemented by Pearson Education. What is a testing regime if it has no 
The frustration for many of us who must endure the endless logorrhea of local, state and national “pundits”