Monday, June 11, 2012

This Week In Education: Think Tanks: Brookings "Fires" Ravitch For Being "Inactive"

This Week In Education: Think Tanks: Brookings "Fires" Ravitch For Being "Inactive":

Think Tanks: Brookings "Fires" Ravitch For Being "Inactive"

Diane Ravitch has announced on her blog that she's been nonrenewed as a nonresident fellow at the Brookings Institute, and in the process raised questions about the necessity of her removal from the unpaid position and the timing of the move (she recently posted a few entries critical of Romney, for whom Whitehurst is a campaign advisor).
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There's no word back yet from Whitehurst or from Brookings' PR person Christine Jacobs about the strange timing or what the tank's policy is on staff participation in political campaigns.  (As you may recall, John Chubb