Tuesday, June 19, 2012

STEM Makes No Sense | Truth in American Education

STEM Makes No Sense | Truth in American Education:

STEM Makes No Sense

Here is an interesting fact.  The countries that are producing more people with higher skills in mathematics, science, engineering, technology and science don’t have STEM programs.  When we do benchmarking research in those countries, we don’t hear their educators talking about STEM priorities.  We don’t hear their industrial leaders doing that either.  The term is not used.  The programs don’t exist.
What is going on here?  How come they are doing better at this when we have STEM programs and they don’t? 
The answer is that they have education systems that work and we don’t.  When we start falling behind in an area, we invent a program.  When they start falling behind, they ask, What’s wron