Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Seattle Schools Community Forum: News Hot off the Presses

Seattle Schools Community Forum: News Hot off the Presses:

News Hot off the Presses

This week, Orlando, FL is hosting the U.S Conference of Mayors.  According to Reuters, "hundreds" of mayors endorsed "parent trigger" laws...

"...aimed at bypassing elected school boards and giving parents at the worst public schools the opportunity to band together and force immediate change."

Well, it does force change but is it change the only outcome parents create?  Generally so.  The adage "be careful what you wish for" surely applies here to those parents.

I called Mayor McGinn's office and they are going to let me know if he voted on this issue and if he did, how he voted.  It will be a great disappointment if he voted yes.

Parent trigger laws are in place in several states including California, Texas and Louisiana and are under consideration in states including Michigan, Pennsylvania and New York. So far, though, the concept has never