Friday, June 1, 2012

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Madison Middle School Counselors Speak Out

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Madison Middle School Counselors Speak Out:

Madison Middle School Counselors Speak Out

From our friends at the West Seattle Blog:
An urgent message from the MMS Counseling Department…..
Dear MMS Families,
Every year, we have to fight to keep school counselors in our schools and plead with our school district and state to put children’s well-being at the forefront of their priorities. Because elementary school counselors are not put in the WSS (Weighted Staffing Standard), we have had a huge RIF (Reduction-in-Force) in School Counselors across the district that will leave many Elementary Schools without a Counselor. If the district were to put elementary school counselors back in the WSS(Weighted Staffing Standard), each elementary school would be funded for a counselor based on weighted staffing funding allocation. They have chosen not to fund counselors in elementary schools and force schools to come up with a way to fund counselors. Many schools do