Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Schools Matter: Ohanian on the Rotted Common Core and the Marginalizing of Imagination

Schools Matter: Ohanian on the Rotted Common Core and the Marginalizing of Imagination:

Ohanian on the Rotted Common Core and the Marginalizing of Imagination

by Susan Ohanian, posted at Daily Censored

In 20002, Business Week Revealed Why Common Core Disdains Fiction

And the little very very very very very very very old man smiled, and looking at the faerie he said: ‘Why?’ —e. e. cummings, The Old Man Who Said Why
This is the kind of writing primary graders savor. I speak from first-hand, on-the-spot observation here. Of course, teacher experience, knowledge, and intuition count for nothing. Education policy makers are deaf to my expertise. Unions are deaf to my expertise. NCTE, my professional organization for decades, is deaf to my expertise.