Thursday, June 7, 2012

Schools Matter: Lawbreaking and Open Corruption Sewer at NJ DOE

Schools Matter: Lawbreaking and Open Corruption Sewer at NJ DOE:

Lawbreaking and Open Corruption Sewer at NJ DOE

New Jersey state politics has long enjoyed a reputation for corruption, second only to Louisiana, perhaps.  Now it would seem that Chris Christie's henchmen like Acting Ed Commish, Chris Cerf, may be able to move Jersey into first place.

Cerf's open contempt for state laws governing education policy seems to be his strong suit, although a case could be made that his embedded linkages with the corporate school industry appear even more prominent.  Cerf's most recent acquisition of former EdisonLearning lawyer, Evo Popoff, makes a strong case for the latter, while Cerf's illegal attempts to alter NJ state charter law would favor the former.

A wrap-up of the most recent news on the Jersey Cerfdom.  HT to Stan Karp:

Star Ledger
More than three dozen local school officials, parents, teachers and advocates packed a Trenton meeting room