Sunday, June 17, 2012

School Tech Connect: Two Events in Chicago

School Tech Connect: Two Events in Chicago:

Two Events in Chicago

CTU is having a public meeting about contract negotiations on June 25th at Gage Park High School, 6:30 PM. (I posted the wrong date earlier.)

5630 S. Rockwell.

I'll be there. I have some questions.

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Also, there's this on the 26th.

Stand with Chicago Teachers

CTU Solidarity Committee Organizing Meeting
Tuesday, June 26
6:30 p.m.
Grace Place, 637 South Dearborn

The Labor Working Group, which brought together the Chicago Occupy movement and unions throughout city, would like to invite you and representatives from your union, school, or community group to a city-wide organizing meeting.  The goal of this meeting is to develop a solidarity committee in support of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) in their ongoing struggle for good schools and a decent contract.  The proposed committee will enable union and community groups to coordinate solidarity activities throughout the summer and fall in order to maximize our impact.

Since he came into office, Rahm Emanuel and his appointee, CPS CEO Jean Claude Brizard, have conducted a non-stop attack on CTU in an attempt to break the union and destroy public education.

It's now equally clear that the teachers are fed up and ready to fight back! The massive rally of teachers and union allies on May 23 through downtown Chicago, as well as the recent nearly unanimous strike authorization vote taken throughout the over 600 public schools, raises our hopes that if we fight, we can win, both in Chicago and around this country.

The outcome of the CTU struggle will have local and national ramifications for the fight against austerity, the defense of public education, and the future of the labor movement.  Now is the time for us to stand together!

Please join us on Tuesday, June 26, 6:30 p.m. at Grace Place, 637 S. Dearborn. Contact to RSVP to this invitation and if you need more information. We look forward to seeing you there!

In solidarity,
Occupy Chicago Labor Working Work