Friday, June 15, 2012

Phony War Ends Between Florida Legislature and Local School Boards | Scathing Purple Musings

Phony War Ends Between Florida Legislature and Local School Boards | Scathing Purple Musings:

Phony War Ends Between Florida Legislature and Local School Boards

Jacksonville Senator Steve Wise was unsuccessful in getting a cut in school board member pay during the January 2009 session. Wise didn’t give up there and, in fact, went for the throat. Two years later his SB7234 sought to end school board salaries all together. I blogged on the issue here and here.
In one of those blog posts I quoted Florida Times-Union columnist Ron Littlepage who agreed with Wise. My argument had been that Wise’s bill would effectively end checks and balances in our schools. I wonder if Littlepage has changed his mind this morning after yesterday’s disturbing speech from Education Commissioner