Tuesday, June 12, 2012

OMG (literally) Evangelist Luis Palau pokes fun at Mayor Johnson for Marrying Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee

The Modesto Bee | City Beat: Evangelist Luis Palau pokes fun at Mayor Johnson - and gets away with it:

Evangelist Luis Palau pokes fun at Mayor Johnson - and gets away with it

City Beat: Evangelist Luis Palau pokes fun at Mayor Johnson - and gets away with it

By Ryan Lillisrlillis@sacbee.com

last updated: June 12, 2012 02:05:58 PM

Evangelist Luis Palau addresses members of Bayside Church in Roseville on Sunday. The nationally known religious broadcaster announced that the largest regionwide spiritual revival in nearly two decades would be held in June in Sacramento. Planners say it will draw 175,000 people. - Special to The Bee - BRIAN BAER
Evangelist Luis Palau addresses members of Bayside Church in Roseville on Sunday. The nationally known religious broadcaster announced that the largest regionwide spiritual revival in nearly two decades would be held in June in Sacramento. Planners say it will draw 175,000 people. - Special to The Bee - BRIAN BAER
The short list of people who can stand in front of a bunch of reporters and make fun of Mayor Kevin Johnson apparently includes evangelists who have preached to a billion followers.
Luis Palau, described by many as the heir apparent to Billy Graham, is in town for a festival at Cal Expo this weekend expected to attract 50,000 people. Speaking at a press conference this morning at the downtown Sheraton to promote the event, Palau took the opportunity to let a few good-natured jabs fly at Johnson - who was sitting a few feet away.
The two have known one another since 1988, when Johnson was playing for the NBA's Phoenix Suns and Palau conducted a pre-game prayer service for Johnson.
"He wasn't the same man he is today," Palau said of the mayor. "He was single then, a happy, free man. Look at him now. But he's won two elections and that makes him a champion."
With Johnson smiling, Palau kept up his commentary on Johnson's marriage