Friday, June 1, 2012

Missouri Education Watchdog: Learning From International Experience When It Comes To Education

Missouri Education Watchdog: Learning From International Experience When It Comes To Education:

Learning From International Experience When It Comes To Education

A certain percentage of the population learns through experience. That percentage drops as we get older. As young children we do not have enough experience to make our own decisions or even to trust the warnings of adults. At best, we don't touch the stove because it will make mommy mad. At worst we just have to touch the stove to see what "hot" feels like for ourselves. But with age and experience we learn to both pull together facts and to use observations of others' experience to reach our own conclusions. We learn we are less likely to suffer if we approach new challenges this way.  So what can we learn through experience and observation about education to save ourselves some pain?

In Korea they have a vibrant private school market known as hagwons or, less formally, cram schools. Despite vocal government support for their public schools, many parents (and most notably those who are teachers and government officials) send their