Thursday, June 7, 2012

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Rahm: Don't vote. STFU and do what you're told.

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Rahm: Don't vote. STFU and do what you're told.:

Rahm: Don't vote. STFU and do what you're told.

"What do the mayor and Brizard expect the teachers to do? Shut up and do what they’re told to do? You got it." -- Walter Jacobson, CBS News Chicago
They say, opinions are like rear ends. Everybody's got one. Here lately, it's all about whether or not teachers should take a strike authorization vote, which of course, they are already doing.

 CTU members are voting before the summer break, not to strike, but to give their union the authority to strike, just in case the mayor continues to play hardball and not to budge from his current puny, insulting 2% pay increase offer. They are voting now to give teachers a voice in deciding the proper response to Rahm's war on teachers and on unions in general. They are voting now even though my friend Alonzo, down at the gym, thinks "teachers make way too much money" and even though billionaire heiress Robin Steans is "disappointed" in them.

The main reason teachers are voting early is because the law, SB7, which Steans, her wealthy friends at the Civic Committee, and the union-busting group, Stand For Children, pushed through the legislature last year,