Thursday, June 7, 2012

Last brat. « Fred Klonsky

Last brat. « Fred Klonsky:

Last brat.

When I changed schools fifteen years ago the two other male teachers in my new building, the custodian and I began a tradition.
On the final records day of the year – the day before the last day – a day with no students in the building – we would cook brats for the rest of the staff.
Now for you coastal folks, let me explain.
Wisconsin bratwurst are made special. First you cook them in beer and onions. Then they go on the grill just long enough to char the outside. Then into a bun (buttered in some parts of the state to the north, but not here)

Surgery couldn’t stop her from voting yes!

I have run into folks over the past few days who ask if I think it’s right for the CTU to take a strike vote before the federal mediator issues a report.
My answer is that I don’t think the membership would have waited any longer.