Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Jersey Jazzman: Who "Won" the NJ Tenure Battle? Part I

Jersey Jazzman: Who "Won" the NJ Tenure Battle? Part I:

Who "Won" the NJ Tenure Battle? Part I

So the Ruiz tenure bill flew through the legislature, and is on its way to Chris Christie's desk, where it will no doubt be signed in a ceremony replete with dancing elephants, a brass band, and several confetti canons. And there will be plenty of crowing from all sides about who "won."

Let's try our best to keep score, shall we?

Chris Christie: When all this tenure brouhaha started, Chris Christie was basically throwing any idiotic idea up against the wall and hoping something stuck. For example, back in January of 2011:
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie wants to change that: He is seeking to end tenure and on Wednesday said he would support switching to a system that gives individual teachers five-year contracts, which districts could renew based on merit. He said he believes that if the worst 5% of teachers were churned, there would be a "quantum