Thursday, June 14, 2012

Jersey Jazzman: Charter Cheerleaders Admit: We Can't Teach EVERYONE

Jersey Jazzman: Charter Cheerleaders Admit: We Can't Teach EVERYONE:

Charter Cheerleaders Admit: We Can't Teach EVERYONE

When charter cheerleaders are called on their bluffs, they always fold:

The head of one of the city’s largest charter school networks is calling on state charter authorizers to reject a law that requires charter schools to serve a larger share of high-needs students.
The law, Success Academy Charter Schools CEO Eva Moskowitz wrote in a letter to authorizers this month, creates “perverse incentives” for charter schools to “over-identify” students in high-needs categories, an effect that she said would do more harm than good for children.
“We urge you not to impose any enrollment and retention targets,” Moskowitz wrote to the New York State Education Department and SUNY Charter Schools Institute, which are charged with enforcing the