Monday, June 25, 2012

The FDOE Joins Patricia Levesque in Blaming Districts for Tests | Scathing Purple Musings

The FDOE Joins Patricia Levesque in Blaming Districts for Tests | Scathing Purple Musings:

The FDOE Joins Patricia Levesque in Blaming Districts for Tests

When the FCAT Writes debacle went viral in May, the organized PR campaign to rescue it was documented by the Florida media here and here. And in this blog here. Originating in Governor Rick Scott’s office, the effort would include former governor Jeb Bush’s education foundations in addition to a PR firm who had done work for the Gates foundation.
In a strategy charitably characterized as throwing spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks, the latest angle has revealed itself: Blame school districts for the number of tests kids take.
This from an opinion pieced penned by Bush’ main policy wonk, Patricia Levesque:
Look at the tests that are being required locally. A brief review of school district websites indicates