Saturday, June 23, 2012

Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee’s Laughable Attempt to Insert Herself Into Florida High-Stakes Test Fight | Scathing Purple Musings

Michelle Rhee’s Laughable Attempt to Insert Herself Into Florida High-Stakes Test Fight | Scathing Purple Musings:

Michelle Rhee’s Laughable Attempt to Insert Herself Into Florida High-Stakes Test Fight

From Rhee’s controversial StudentsFirst web site:
(For background information, please read this recent Tampa Bay Times opinion editorial by speaker-designate Will Weatherford of the Florida House of Representatives where he discusses the importance of accountability and testing.)
Florida has led the nation in its efforts to establish strong systems of accountability. These systems hold adults accountable for serving all of our students well, and ensure our kids are learning and receiving the education they deserve. Unfortunately, Florida’s precedent-setting accountability system is under attack.
 Local politicians in twelve Florida school districts caved under pressure from special interests who are working to derail our state’s education reform efforts and adopted a resolution