Friday, June 1, 2012

2/3 of King 1% Johnson campaign funds come from Fat Cats outside city | KCRA Home - KCRA Home

2/3 of Johnson campaign funds come from outside city | KCRA Home - KCRA Home:

2/3 of Johnson campaign funds come from outside city

Political donations total $822,395

Kevin Johnson tells us why he should be relected King 1% of Sacramento.

More than two-thirds of mayor Kevin Johnson's re-election funds came from outside Sacramento, the campaign reported Thursday.
Johnson received $260,000 from political donors in Sacramento, wrote campaign spokesman Steve Maviglio in an email to KCRA.
That represents about 32 percent of the total contribution amount of $822,395 received as of Thursday.
Maviglio said that Johnson had also received $129,000, or 16 percent, in contributions from the rest of the Sacramento region.
He did not immediately provide the areas that were included in the region.
That means that more than half of Johnson's re-election funds, about $433,000, came from outside the Sacramento region.
A KCRA 3 analysis of data provided by the Sacramento City Clerk's Office showed donors in the following

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