Thursday, May 10, 2012

Yong Zhao in Conversation: Education Should Liberate, Not Indoctrinate - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher

Yong Zhao in Conversation: Education Should Liberate, Not Indoctrinate - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher:

Yong Zhao in Conversation: Education Should Liberate, Not Indoctrinate

Last week I shared this interview with Yong Zhao focused on the Common Core standards. Today I am sharing a conversation between Dr. Zhao and Yvonne Siu-Runyan.
Contributed by Yvonne Siu-Runyan.
I am honored to have the opportunity to interview Dr. Yong Zhao, Presidential Chair and Associate Dean for Global Education, College of Education at the University of Oregon. He is a fellow for the International Academy for Education. Zhao was born in China's Sichuan Province and is author of Catching Up or Leading the Way(ASCD, 2009), a book I highly recommend others to read. He has a new book coming out next month: World Class Learners: Educating Creative and Entrepreneurial Students. For more information about Dr. Yong Zhao gohere.
YSR: Thank you, Dr. Zhao for allowing me to interview you.
YZ: My pleasure and thank you for this opportunity.
YSR: I am going to jump right in. Here is my first question. What do you think is the most pressing problems in