Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Why Scott Walker doesn’t recall the QEO and how to help recall him | AMPS

Why Scott Walker doesn’t recall the QEO and how to help recall him | AMPS:

Why Scott Walker doesn’t recall the QEO and how to help recall him

In last week’s debate and elsewhere, Scott Walker has displayed less then total recall on many things.  Among these are the role of the Qualified Economic Offer (QEO) and the 2009 repeal of the QEO in shaping teacher compensation in Wisconsin.  He doesn’t want to remember and he doesn’t want you to remember because it undermines key parts of the case he has made for (all but) eliminating collective bargaining for public employees, especially those parts related to health insurance costs.  According to Walker one of the main reasons Act 10 was necessary was that collective bargaining allowed teacher unions to force taxpayers to pay inflated rates to WEA-Trust.  From start to finish, this story is full of holes.
For me the start is 1993 and the bi-partisan creation of the QEO under Republican Tommy Thompson.  The QEO