Monday, May 14, 2012

We say, “No deal on pension benefits.” « Fred Klonsky

We say, “No deal on pension benefits.” « Fred Klonsky:

We say, “No deal on pension benefits.”

Are some in the union leadership preparing to cave on pension benefits?
Tell them no.
Rich Miller of Capitolfax is reporting:

The Illinois Federation of Teachers told its members via e-mail late last night that its leaders believe a pension reform bill will surface this week.   The teachers union claimed to its members that it has “offered to make compromises that would cost members more” and even said that its own proposal would “save the state billions of dollars.”   However, the union’s leaders said in the blast e-mail that the governor and some lawmakers “continue to try and solve the problems they created by placing the entire pension burden on the backs of workers,” which it called “unfair and unacceptable.”The last time pension reform was jammed through the General Assembly, back