Wednesday, May 2, 2012

USA Today: Common Core Standards Drive Wedge In Education Circles | Truth in American Education

USA Today: Common Core Standards Drive Wedge In Education Circles | Truth in American Education:

USA Today: Common Core Standards Drive Wedge In Education Circles

A balanced article by Greg Toppo of USA Today.  Here’s a not so balanced excerpt as I wanted to point out the CCSS critics:
Also in February, Brookings Institution scholar Tom Loveless issued research calling into question whether the Common Core would have much of an effect. He noted that state standards have done little to equalize academic achievement within states. The reaction, he says, was “like putting my hand in a hornet’s nest — people do have a strong reaction to the Common Core.”
Last month, New York University education historian Diane Ravitch, a vocal Duncan critic, blasted 

Some Fuzzy Research on Common Core Math Standards

Achieve pointed out new research that links Common Core Math Standards to higher achievement.  Fascinating since those standards haven’t been implemented yet.  Maybe they are testing them on animal subjects… somebody better warn PETA.
Oh never mind, here’s how they got their results…
Schmidt’s work focuses on the strong resemblance of the CCSS for mathematics to the standards of the highest-achieving nations; the improvement in focus, coherence and rigor of the CCSS for mathematics beyond the state standards they replaced; and the link between higher National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) mathematics scores and states with standards