Friday, May 11, 2012

Unacceptable Bias From BOE Chair Kathleen Shanahan in Favor of Charter Schools | Scathing Purple Musings

Unacceptable Bias From BOE Chair Kathleen Shanahan in Favor of Charter Schools | Scathing Purple Musings:

Unacceptable Bias From BOE Chair Kathleen Shanahan in Favor of Charter Schools

The Florida Current has a follow-up article on the decision of the Florida Board of Education to overrule local school boards on five charter school applications. Current reporter Gray Rohrer, spoke with Chair Kathleen Shanahan, who wasn’t afraid of demonstrating her clear favoritism for charter schools.
The state Board of Education on Wednesday took the unprecedented step of approving two charter schools despite ongoing challenges from their counties’ school boards, which had originally refused to approve the charter schools.
 The school boards for Duval and Seminole counties also have challenged earlier decisions by the state Board of Education to uphold the appeals of the Northeast Florida Virtual Charter School and the Central Florida Virtual Charter School. The courts enacted an automatic stay, preventing the