Sunday, May 6, 2012

This Week In Education: Events: Weekend Thoughts On NSVF 2012

This Week In Education: Events: Weekend Thoughts On NSVF 2012:

Events: Weekend Thoughts On NSVF 2012

Nsvf2012 logoWe're still waiting for the Howard Fuller and Rahm Emanuel videos but, with the benefit of a couple days to reflect, here are some thoughts about last week’s NSVF summit that I haven't seen elsewhere:  the newfound prominence given to the parent trigger, the honest self-criticism about public engagement, the choice of Howard ("Storm The Bastille") Fuller as opener, the general disappointment following Emanuel's speech.
Plus a reward video at the end.
*COMING OUT FOR THE PARENT TRIGGER:  It was notable to me that the organizers opened the summit with a screening of the parent trigger movie (“Won’t Back Down”) and an appearance by Parent Revolution’s Ben Austin, who also won one of NSVF’s annual awards.  From “Two Million Minutes” to “Waiting For Superman” to “Race To Nowhere,” the potential power of mass media to shape public option is clear, but the reform community