Saturday, May 19, 2012

Thanking teachers who share what they have learned like Flipping Bloom’s taxonomy from Jennifer Brokofsky Blog - The Educator's PLN

Thanking teachers who share what they have learned like Flipping Bloom’s taxonomy from Jennifer Brokofsky Blog - The Educator's PLN:

Thanking teachers who share what they have learned like Flipping Bloom’s taxonomy from Jennifer Brokofsky Blog

I love teacher's who share new ideas that they have learned and make me think of ways to address new strategies to help my students learning in and out of the classroom. Jennifer Brokofsky's  on her blog, Learning out loud  posted  "Turning Bloom's and My Thinking Upside Down. It is based on her attending a specific session at the Saskatchewan IT Summit. The guest speaker was  Shelly Wright and her session was entitled Rethinking Learning. Shelly was sharing her vision of leaning in an inquiry based, technology enhanced classroom.
During the session Shelly shared her take on the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy. At first I was thinking, not someone else kicking my poor Bloom's Taxonomy in the side, again. However, I was pleasantly please to hear an original idea from a fellow educator that got me  thinking about a new way to look at Bloom's Taxonomy.
Jennifer explained what caught her attention at the session with Shelly,
During the session Shelly shared her take on the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy. She simply stated